Since 1835, Winsor & Newton has created an unparalleled watercolour range which offers artists the widest and most balanced choice of pigments with the greatest possible permanence. Each colour has been selected and formulated to offer the greatest choice using 79 modern and traditional single colour pigments. Portable and air dry, with half pans there is no need to dispose of any unused paint. They are invaluable when working outside or when needing to work quickly. Simply lift colour with a wet brush. Individual half pans are of standard size and compatible with most half pan watercolour palette cases.

Davy’s Gray

Davy’s Gray is a soft grey colour traditionally including powdered slate pigments. It was developed by Winsor & Newton for the 19th c English artist Henry Davy, a pupil of famous water-colourist J S Cotman.

Opacity: Semi-Opaque

Series: 1

Pigment Codes: PBk19 • PBk6 • PG17 • PW5

Permanence: AA

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MAP Policy Item

40% MAP Policy on this Item