This book brings together a colorful variety of various art pieces focusing on themes of the fantastic and surreal, starting with Bcklins Toteninsel and including Dorothea Tanning, Max Ernst, Hans Bellmers dolls, the Australian painter Sidney Nolan, Gigers monsters, Cattelans pope, and the Chapman brothers? hybrids, as well as surreal painting from Magritte and Delvaux, the mystical and sensual work of Gustav Klimt, and Frida Kahlos dreamlike self-portraits. Artists featured, Balthus, Hans Bellmer, Arnold Bcklin, Fernando Botero, Maurizio Cattelan, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Salvador Dal?, Paul Delvaux, Peter Doig, Alfred Kubin, James Ensor, Max Ernst, Ernst Fuchs, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Joan Mir?, Sidney Nolan, Odilon Redon, Dorothea Tanning, Franz von Stuck, Andrew Wyeth.


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